How do I leave a course review?
Student feedback is vital to Foxsy's growth and provides us with the information we need to continue improving our website. Ratings and reviews are just one of the many ways in which students can let us know how we're doing and what we could do to be even better.
Our star rating system allows students to give each course between one to five stars, with one being the lowest score and five being the highest score. Every course's star rating is an average of its student ratings. Instructor star ratings are an average of all student ratings across all of their courses.
Written reviews can also be given for each course, where students can be as specific as they would like regarding the course.
There are three ways to navigate to the Ratings & Reviews section of a course to submit a review: at the bottom of the course page, completing a course, and in the description of the conclusion lesson of the course.
1) Course Page
From the course page, scroll down to the "Ratings & Reviews" section. Click the green "Write A Review" button to open the review submission box.
Select the number of stars for your star rating to then be directed to write any additional feedback you may have in the box. Once your review is complete, click the green "Save & Continue" button. A pop-up will appear for you to read your review one more time to then click "Save & Exit."
2) Course Page
When you complete a course, a pop-up will appear with a prompt for a review. Follow the same steps as above to select the number of stars and write any additional feedback to complete your review.
3) Conclusion Lesson (Upon Course Completion)
Every course ends with the conclusion lesson. In the description below the conclusion video, there is a link to leave a review for the course. Click the green "Review This Course" button to be redirected to the course page and then follow the steps above to access the Ratings & Reviews section of the course.
Want to provide feedback for Foxsy that isn't related to a specific course? Contact our customer support team by clicking here: Contact Us