Registering For A Free Foxsy Membership
Click the teal "Sign Up" button, located in the top right corner of the home page.
A form will appear on the right side of the page, titled "Sign Up". Fill out the form, including your full name, the username you want to use, email address, and password. Then click “Register Now”.
Green text will appear above the form that says, “Registration successful you can login now.”
Click the orange text that reads, "Already have an account? Sign In", located at the top of the form. A new menu will appear, titled "Login". Enter your username and password, then click the teal "Login Now" button.
Green text will appear above the form that says, "login successful", and you will be redirected to the home page.
Your free membership will allow you to browse the course library and view the introduction video available on each course page.
To enroll in a course, you must register for one of the subscription tiers. For more information on our subscription tiers, visit the Pricing page.
Need help subscribing to Foxsy? Check out our article on Registering For A Paid Membership.