Do you have watercolor courses?

Yes! You can browse all available courses, including the watercolor course options, using the Foxsy Course Library.

Starting on the home page, click the "Browse Courses" option at the top-left corner of the screen. From there, you can select "Watercoloring Courses"

On the "Watercoloring Courses" page, you can scroll through the page to see every watercoloring course available on Foxsy. You will see the thumbnail preview, the rating, the course title, the instructor, applicable categories, and general course information (duration, number of students, total lessons, total quizzes.)

To see more details about any course that you are interested in, click on that course's thumbnail. From there, you will see the difficulty level of the course, total time, total videos, and a peach button to enroll yourself in the course. Select "Take this course" to get started.

Further down on the page, you will find more course details including the course description, what you can expect to learn, supplies you will need, class project examples, and information about your course instructor.

Go here to start exploring the watercolor course options: Watercoloring Courses!

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